For students who are ready to take their English to the next level, COAS is excited to offer this amazing club.
Students in the COAS Educative Group of schools can begin their MUN journey in 3ESO when they work as administration members in the committees for MUN Bilbao Mun Bilbao – Model United Nations – COAS (mun-bilbao.com), Ayalde´s anual, international Model United Nations conference that hosts over 350 students from all over the world. Admins from 3ESO will learn the mechanics of running a conference.
Then in COASMUN, they will get their first taste of being delegates. This one-day conference is exclusively for students of COAS schools and it is held right after final exams in June, just before the summer really begins.
In 4ESO, students attend the club once a week during their English class. That´s when they learn the skills of diplomacy, how to research and practicing the rules of debate. By the time they are in 1BACH they will continue to practice their skills, refining their positions and arguments based on the growing knowledge of history and the current political landscape.
For the students who remain the most passionate about the Project, they will have the chance to run the conferences COASMUN and MUNBilbao as the Secretary Team alongside the guidance of the MUN Coordinator.
How to participate in COASMUN?
Students who have a B2 level of English and who are interested in world problems should inform their teachers that they are interested in participating. Their teacher will contact the coordinator at Ayalde, Beth Boyle (beth.boyle@ayalde.com) in order to secure a place at the conference.
With the information provided on our Secretary Team´s website COASMUN (google.com) students choose a delegation that represents a country and a corresponding committee with engaging topics to debate. Once they have chosen their delegation, they can begin their research and learn how to become a voice for that country.
Being a diplomat for cultures different from their own, helps students to become aware of people´s needs across the world and how nations can come together to resolve problems caused by war, poverty, migration, climate change, natural disasters, industrial pollution, and social strife, only to name a few.
Do not forget to visit the Secretary Team´s website for COASMUN Club. They will give you all the information you will need for the next conference, as well as downloadable files to help begin research, practice the formalities of debate, and format documents. Click on the link below!
Model United Nations is an enriching experience with schools participating all over the world. COAS is pleased to offer their students an opportunity to join a club that will benefit them beyond improving their English skills, in collaboration, comradery, global understanding, cultural sensitivity, and creativity.